A personal story of my mental health and compassion

This week acknowledges Mental Health Awareness which is a topic we must find the courage to talk about, especially in times of isolation and crisis. Many are struggling internally with their emotions and thoughts, without showing it outwards.

This was my reality for years but I put up a perfect facade, in that way no one would question me. I pretended to be the perfect girl, living in the perfect world but I was struggling with inner-demons, self-criticism and broken self-worth. I may have been conventionally "successful" but deep down I was exhausted and anxious. I finally pushed myself into burnout and eating disorder. 

I saw my mental struggles as weaknesses but today I am sharing my journey openly as I know many others are experiencing similar battles. Today, I am not only physically stronger but also mentally and spiritually. Keeping the hard stuff to ourselves increases our suffering and truth is that we are not alone about our difficulties. 

A powerful remedy for mental health issues is kindness and yoga brought this teaching to my awareness. In my online classes last week, we discussed compassion and how we can see the divine in all beings, at all times. As a yogi, we aim to perceive the world in love and oneness but until that is our reality, let us meet everyone with softness, understanding and acceptance. 

Compassion begins with ourselves and I invite you identify an area in your life where you can soften. Is there somewhere you have been beating yourself up? Can you release self-expectations? Do you need to forgive yourself? What part of yourself is asking for your nurturing attention?

Remember, you are perfectly imperfect and worthy of love and acceptance just as you are. 

Love Yohanna


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Compassion in Times of Crises